Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mr 79, the 23 year old Osprey...

Some news about our friend Mr 79, who has nested on the arboretum cam nest for years. He disappeared from that nest last Monday. Today I was out checking nests and saw an osprey sitting on the side of the was 79. I approached with a towel in hopes of capturing him but he flew off. He flew fine, wings are fine. He kept  landing on mailboxes, garbage cans etc...and everytime I tried to get close he flew. He finally made some loops and got higher in the air and soared off over Lake Minnetonka and I lost him. I do not think he is doing well, but he is fully flighted so he can't be caught. Maybe this is the way old birds fail. I hope he is just having a bad day. Somehow he wanted me to find him I think.  Send him good thoughts...and let me know if you see him.
Thanks to all the people who tried to help, bringing boxes, taking photos of his band. I feel sad. I want him to be OK.

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